nfi podcast
a podcast for cops
This is how most police reports end.
But it’s almost never the end of the story.
I was a street cop.
I want to show what real cops do and go through.
These are the stories told by the cops themselves.

nfi podcast rules
We do our best to ensure that the tales you hear are provided by real cops.
We will always provide the unfiltered content, respect opinions, and call out bullshit.
Especially when it’s a cop’s bullshit.
These raw stories give cops a safe forum to share their struggles.
It also provides a chance for the community to better understand the job.
All storytellers will have their identities protected.
Anonymity does more to promote the truth than conceal it.
Our storytellers should feel safe to speak freely without fear of retaliation.
dumb shit
Death. Bodily fluids. The worst of the worst.
This job is hard enough. We’re trying to have fun, let loose, and lift each other up.
And absolutely no drama.
give me a break
I’m new to all of this.
Some links don’t work, the site looks like shit, and I don’t have any merch yet.
I’m working on it. I’ve gotta figure out what the fuck I’m doing first.
ask your dumb questions here
Tell me something that looks wrong with the website, something I screwed up on an episode, or confess your undying fandom.